Monday, April 27, 2015


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S I X years ago to the day this blog came to life. Can you believe that? It's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that my first post was in 2009...crazy-bananas!
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Back then, the blogesphere was far less saturated than it is now. Most of the bloggers I followed  at the time were dressed to the     N I N E S in every single post, and while they were fun to look at, what they wore wasn't really feasible for my every day world of going to work, and brunch and Target. Ha!
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I created my blog as a place where women can see how other women who live ordinary lives dress. I created a place to hopefully inspire you and give you outfit ideas. I created a place to show you that classic, doesn't always mean boring especially when you add pineapples (and great pumps) on top.
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So, cheers to 6 years, sticktoitvness, classic style, and you — my lovely readers!

WEARING: h&m blazer (J CREW NAVY BLAZER), j crew pineapple sweater (SIMILAR), GAP 1969 WHITE SKINNY JEANS, nine west thorie pumps (SUMMER OPTION), cents of style california necklace (SIMILAR FOR $6)

let's get social
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  1. Congrats on the six years! Mine turned four a couple of weeks ago but I never posted anything on it yet . . .whoops! It is a huge accomplishment! Here's to many more years of your great style!

  2. Six Years?!!! I've greatly enjoyed all of your AWESOME posts. Congrats and continue the journey.

  3. So proud of all you've accomplished and the woman you've become. Congrats

  4. Yes girl, that is SUCH a big accomplishment! Congrats to you! Love the cute sweater too!

    xo carlina

  5. A very big Congratulations to you. Six years of blogging is such a big accomplishment. Wishing you many more years of blissful, stylish and fun blogging.
    Have a great week.


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