
Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Little unknown facts about me, I love churches, specifically big beautiful cathedrals. The stained glass windows, the beautiful architecture, the dim lighting--everything about them brings a calming sense of  peace and I love to visit them around the world and even in my own backyard. I stumbled upon this Greek Orthodox Cathedral randomly about a month ago and the entire property is so picturesque, I knew I wanted to use it for my next shoot. AND fittingly (or perhaps inappropriately) the first thing I picked out for this shoot was my favorite Holy Chic shirt, and thrifted pale yellow 50's skirt. 

WEARING: old navy shirt (I LOVE GRAPHIC TEES), thrifted skirt (SUPER CUTE, SUPER ON SALE) neiman marcus bag, mix no. 6 shoes (ONLY $34.99)
WORN: on #sundayfunday

let's get social
 photo 6ee01289-6c46-40a4-913e-0ad85c8d4a20_zps3735f14e.jpg


  1. Ha! Appropriate and fitting if you ask me. I love this top and the skirt is such a pretty color!

  2. I will summed this post up with two words: Holy Chic!!

  3. Holy Chic, this is a cute outfit!


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