
Monday, July 21, 2014


I recently took an impromptu day trip to Carmel California and I was so impressed with the beautiful beach and the quaint town that I thought I'd share some of my pictures from the trip. Enjoy! 

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Early morning overcast skies only add to the beauty of this beach.
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The sand is white, smooth and pebble free, but beware of the kelp and flies that come with it! 
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This grey and white bungalow is a house after my heart! Can you imagine sitting in that rocking chair and looking at...
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this view everyday?
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Art in the form of a tree.
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Did I mention this town is quaint? 

I didn't get a chance to do one of my favorite things in life while in Carmel...EAT. But I did in Monterey. 
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Lots of fresh seafood at Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf if you're into that sort of thing.
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Lots of candy and other goodies if you're not. 
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I personally recommend the clam chowder and hot crab sandwich at OLD FISHERMAN'S GROTTO.


  1. Ahhh yes! I love an impromptu trip and this one looks like the perfect get away!

  2. Being stuck in the midwest, I really appreciate this! Lol, looks like a fun trip :)

  3. Nice new blog layout, V-Neesa.

    Recently finished up a photography arts class this summer, so I was more than able to inhale the artistry of a few of your images. Also, I agree how the patio of the bungalow where the rocking chair sits was built for that view.

  4. Oh I love the combination of gray and white!!! So fresh! Fab pics doll!

  5. God-filled moments!


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