
Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I've been part of the BlogHer network for a few years and because of various scheduling conflicts, I've yet to attend a conference. However, I think this might be my year! Not only is the conference right in my backyard in Silicon Valley, a great place for women in tech and business, BUT one of the women I look up to most in the industry is the keynote speaker...Arianna Huffington. 
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This years conference takes place July 24-26 at the San Jose Convention Center. BlogHer '14 is for all of you who consider yourself part of the blogosphere, men included, who want to get inspired, network, meet your favorite bloggers and learn about new products in brands. 
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, and I know it does, get your tickets HERE, and I hope to see you there! 
By the way if you need anymore incentive to go, KERRY WASHINGTON is also speaking. I die. 
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  1. Man, I WISH I could swing this conference. But, I have to save for 2 conferences this fall. I'd LOVE to hear both of these amazing ladies. Have fun...can't wait to read and follow your updates! :-)


  2. OMG! this sounds interesting.


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