
Monday, April 25, 2016


Soooooooo, it's been a minute. First, I caught the flu & then I headed to Peru, and now I'm back and feeling a bit under the weather again. Or maybe it's just post-vacation depression which I tend to suffer from. 

Ugh! At any rate, I had the most amazing time in Peru and I can't wait to tell you all about it! But for now I leave you with this picture of me & these beautiful Incan women & of course you can see lots more on my INSTAGRAM.

let's get social
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  1. Welcome back. I loved Peru and I know exactly where this is! After I took my picture one of the little girls shook me down for some cash :) Did you take the train to Machu Pichu where they put on a show? I had no real expectations before I went but I remember being surprised at how cosmopolitan Cusco was. I think that city is one of the best kept travel secrets.

  2. How AMAZING! This shot looks like an editorial in Vogue- to die for!

    Welcome back, and feel better soon. ;)

    xo Carlina

  3. Beautiful and so colorful...smiles included! Welcome home.


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