
Monday, October 12, 2015


I didn't do a good job of taking pictures with my Canon this trip (except at the fabulous mosque I keep mentioning) but here's a look at Dubai via my iPhone/Instagram, along with a few Canon pictures sprinkled in. Enjoy! 
Desert Jump! My favorite part about the desert safari was the dune bashing! I thought it was going to be scary (I don't do roller coasters) but it's not scary at all, just pure fun! I booked with HORMUZ TOURISM
Before heading out into the desert we stopped at a little convenient store and the men in the store dressed me like this! I wish I would have bought the head scarf :-/ whomp whomp
Peace in the Middle East
Safari Sunset
Views for the 124th floor of the Burj Khalifa, tallest skycraper in the world. 
It's not that expensive to go to the top, but I found a Groupon deal for a really good price. 
The Burj Khalifa is fittingly connected to the largest mall in the world...the Mall of Dubai. I spent 6 hours in here and probably only saw 80% of it. 
I didn't eat at the Vogue Cafe but you should! 
Or if you're in the mood for Shake Shack, they have one of those in the mall too.
Selfie in the souks! They say whatever price they give you start negotiating at half that number and work your way up. It didn't work for me, but I didn't try that hard. It was too HOT outside to haggle.
You need several hours here. There's so much to see, and also go by the spice souk! O and if you wear extensions, this is also the place to get some good hair, for a good price. I wish I had brought some back :-/
I got to sight see on this yacht. Definitely a highlight of the trip!
I could get used to this life.  
The ladies of the boat. We did not intentionally plan our outfits to match :)
And last bit not least, another view from the boat. 

Overall, I say Dubai is a cool city and I am beyond grateful for the experience and I had a really, really good time but I don't feel the need to go back and I wouldn't say it's a place someone MUST go to. If it's on your list, keep it on there and make SURE you spend some time in Abu Dhabi, and if you're really lucky try to go to Qatar and if you're really, really lucky take the 4 hour flight to the Seychelles! 


  1. Soooooo beautiful!! All pictures are filled with bliss!

  2. Having lived in Abu Dhabi for 3 years and going to Dubai a few times, I totally agree that it's not a must see place. I prefer Abu Dhabi hands down. Abu Dhabi is a cool place to see.


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